Uncle Figgy’s Guide to Good GameMastering v2.0

Book Cover: Uncle Figgy's Guide to Good GameMastering v2.0
Part of the Uncle Figgy's Guides series:
  • Uncle Figgy’s Guide to Good GameMastering v2.0

Based on over 30 years of experience with tabletop role playing games, Uncle Figgy's Guide to Good GameMastering v2.0 is a look at running RPGs in a light, cinematic manner.


After a few more years, I started running games, trying to include all the things that I found enjoyable. Players came and went, and (with a few exceptions) seemed to love the games I ran.

I noticed, however, that there was always a small group of players in my games who weren't really enjoying themselves, but who wouldn't speak up about it. They were only coming because it was a game. Any game. Just like me when I started playing (and was still guilty of doing). Watching these players made me start wondering "why?". Why was I sitting through games I didn't like?

Because to me, the point of a game is to have fun, and I don't understand playing a game you don't like or you're not having fun playing.

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